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Мексиканская революция - первая социальная революция 20-го века.
=Предыстория создания=
См. статью [[Quella notte davanti alla Bussola|Quella notte davanti alla Bussola]].
В 1999 году Рикардо Вентури (Riccardo Venturi) написал английский вариант песни.
В 1883 году правительство диктатора Диаса сформулировало закон о землевладении и землепользовании, целью которого декларировалось освоение целины. На практике этот закон привёл к значительному укрупнению латифундий и гасиенд. Земли, которые веками управлялись общинами, переходили в распоряжение иностранного капитала (компаний из сша - в первую очередь). Надо заметить, что пока Диас оставался на посту президента (почти 40 лет), в собственность зарубежных инвесторов перешло более 30 млн. га земли. В штате Морелос, например, 99,5 процента всех крестьянских семейств было полностью лишено земли, а в «самом индейском» штате южной Мексики — Оахаке — даже 99,8 процента. Фирмы и частные владельцы из США, вроде известного газетного магната Херста, приобрели здесь поместья площадью до 2 млн. га.
*That night in front of the "Bussola"
*In the cold New Year’s eve,
*That new year’s night
*We shan’t never forget.
Положение сельских жителей ухудшалось. Недовольство аграрной политикой государства росло и в результате вылилось в открытое неповиновение властям. В 1892 году вспыхнуло восстание в Tenochic, в 1895 -  в Papantla, в 1906 - в Acayucán.
*The Gentlemen they arrived
*With their luxury motor cars,
*Casting scornful looks
*At students and workers.
Индустриальные рабочие, чьи условия жизни были столь же несносными, не отставали от крестьянства. В 1906 на севере Мексики в штате Сонора (Sonora) горняки, работающие на принадлежавших владельцам из США медных рудниках, провели крупную стачку. В этом же году, в декабре, бастовало 93 предприятия текстильной промышленности.
*The ladies in evening dress
*With their shoulders cover’d by furs,
*The Powerful with their bow-ties
*And all their starchy faces.
*They were the same Gentlemen
*Who exploit us all the year long,
*Those who make us die
*In the factories nearby
*They came to rejoice and drink
*After a whole year of exploitation,
*Hoping that the year to come
*Will bring them still more profit
*The Comrades, they know well
*All of them and cannot stop,
*And they throw rotten tomatoes,
*And they all spit at their faces
*But someone’s blown in a trumpet
*To defend those exploiters,
*The Police are rushing quickly
*And is having a free-for-all
*How beautiful the cops are
*When they beat up people in handcuffs,
*The young Comrades in high school age
*Fourteen to seventeen years old
*And they don’t stop beating
*If the lieutenant don’t tell them to stop,
*They’re the most realistic image
*Of our established order
*And we already can see the Police
*Drawing up in battle array
*To begin the man-hunt
*With patrol and armoured cars
*We can’t flee away from there
*And leave our Comrades behind,
*We’ve been caught into a trap
*And cannot reach our cars
*We decide to hold out
*And we build up barricades
*That’s a better way to resist
*The subsequent attacks
*From the first barricade
*To the area held by the Police
*There’s a dark no man’s land
*Of about thirty yards
*When the Police begins to advance
*A cop fires a shot in the air,
*The Comrades they throw stones
*Trying to stop the Police
*The Police stops for a moment,
*Then they retake their advance,
*Now it isn’t one only,
*Now a lot of them is shooting
*From the first barricade
*We can see well the guns,
*But from the other one, the Comrades
*Think they are only petards
*We draw back all together
*To the other barricade,
*And the cops they retreat,
*The thing’s taking a bad turn
*One hour more of attacks
*We with our stones and they with their guns,
*And we think they’re firing blank shots
*Even from an armoured car
*But, suddenly, I see a Comrade
*Fall to the ground to my right,
*He falls on his knees with a hole
*And his trousers stained with blood
*I turn and shout: "They’re shooting!"
*And I run backwards for a while,
*Two Comrades carry on their shoulders
*The Comrade wounded in one leg
*Running fast on the street’s pavement
*And pursued by the Police,
*I can see Ceccanti mortally wounded
*Being carried on the sidewalk
*We all do our best to help him,
*But it’s difficult to find rescue
*While we’re pursued by the cops,
*They give us no respite
*Luckily, we find a runabout
*And we take Ceccanti away,
*There’s nothing more we can do
*But running away in haste
*Maybe tonight at the "Bussola"
*The masters have taken offence,
*They who offend us and kill us
*For the remaining twelve months
*We’d better offending them more often
*And never giving them any respite,
*Every time these Gentlemen
*Happen to be within our range
*And now I think we should make
*Some remarks on the situation,
*On the different ugly faces
*The Masters show us nowadays
*They have money to buy us,
*They give work to exploit us,
*They have their Police to kill us
*And the TV to cheat us
*The only good thing we can do
*Is revolting, refusing their tricks,
*Refusing their false freedom,
*That’s all shit for the people
*The only good thing we can do
*Is revolting, refusing their tricks,
*Refusing their false freedom
*That’s all shit for the people.

Revision as of 11:38, 6 June 2008

Предыстория создания

См. статью Quella notte davanti alla Bussola.


В 1999 году Рикардо Вентури (Riccardo Venturi) написал английский вариант песни.

  • That night in front of the "Bussola"
  • In the cold New Year’s eve,
  • That new year’s night
  • We shan’t never forget.
  • The Gentlemen they arrived
  • With their luxury motor cars,
  • Casting scornful looks
  • At students and workers.
  • The ladies in evening dress
  • With their shoulders cover’d by furs,
  • The Powerful with their bow-ties
  • And all their starchy faces.
  • They were the same Gentlemen
  • Who exploit us all the year long,
  • Those who make us die
  • In the factories nearby
  • They came to rejoice and drink
  • After a whole year of exploitation,
  • Hoping that the year to come
  • Will bring them still more profit
  • The Comrades, they know well
  • All of them and cannot stop,
  • And they throw rotten tomatoes,
  • And they all spit at their faces
  • But someone’s blown in a trumpet
  • To defend those exploiters,
  • The Police are rushing quickly
  • And is having a free-for-all
  • How beautiful the cops are
  • When they beat up people in handcuffs,
  • The young Comrades in high school age
  • Fourteen to seventeen years old
  • And they don’t stop beating
  • If the lieutenant don’t tell them to stop,
  • They’re the most realistic image
  • Of our established order
  • And we already can see the Police
  • Drawing up in battle array
  • To begin the man-hunt
  • With patrol and armoured cars
  • We can’t flee away from there
  • And leave our Comrades behind,
  • We’ve been caught into a trap
  • And cannot reach our cars
  • We decide to hold out
  • And we build up barricades
  • That’s a better way to resist
  • The subsequent attacks
  • From the first barricade
  • To the area held by the Police
  • There’s a dark no man’s land
  • Of about thirty yards
  • When the Police begins to advance
  • A cop fires a shot in the air,
  • The Comrades they throw stones
  • Trying to stop the Police
  • The Police stops for a moment,
  • Then they retake their advance,
  • Now it isn’t one only,
  • Now a lot of them is shooting
  • From the first barricade
  • We can see well the guns,
  • But from the other one, the Comrades
  • Think they are only petards
  • We draw back all together
  • To the other barricade,
  • And the cops they retreat,
  • The thing’s taking a bad turn
  • One hour more of attacks
  • We with our stones and they with their guns,
  • And we think they’re firing blank shots
  • Even from an armoured car
  • But, suddenly, I see a Comrade
  • Fall to the ground to my right,
  • He falls on his knees with a hole
  • And his trousers stained with blood
  • I turn and shout: "They’re shooting!"
  • And I run backwards for a while,
  • Two Comrades carry on their shoulders
  • The Comrade wounded in one leg
  • Running fast on the street’s pavement
  • And pursued by the Police,
  • I can see Ceccanti mortally wounded
  • Being carried on the sidewalk
  • We all do our best to help him,
  • But it’s difficult to find rescue
  • While we’re pursued by the cops,
  • They give us no respite
  • Luckily, we find a runabout
  • And we take Ceccanti away,
  • There’s nothing more we can do
  • But running away in haste
  • Maybe tonight at the "Bussola"
  • The masters have taken offence,
  • They who offend us and kill us
  • For the remaining twelve months
  • We’d better offending them more often
  • And never giving them any respite,
  • Every time these Gentlemen
  • Happen to be within our range
  • And now I think we should make
  • Some remarks on the situation,
  • On the different ugly faces
  • The Masters show us nowadays
  • They have money to buy us,
  • They give work to exploit us,
  • They have their Police to kill us
  • And the TV to cheat us
  • The only good thing we can do
  • Is revolting, refusing their tricks,
  • Refusing their false freedom,
  • That’s all shit for the people
  • The only good thing we can do
  • Is revolting, refusing their tricks,
  • Refusing their false freedom
  • That’s all shit for the people.
